Short film
Produced, written and directed by Ani Kyd Wolf
Co-produced by Toby Lindala
Camera by Marcus Rogers
Edited by Noel Tait
Music by Ani Kyd, Jello Biafra
Completed - Jan 30, 2011
Canadian filmmaker Ani Kyd Wolf and Emmy winning makeup fx designer and producer Toby Lindala bring you this twisted and sad love story of a woman shattered by life and unable to feel. Diva Jones (played by Ani Kyd) is a porn star known for her romantic "love story"-style porn movies, but she has no idea what love actually feels like. She watches couples in love interact so that she can portray the act of love on film. Her deviant agent Syd (played by Jello Biafra) gets her a gig with the famous but old and decrepit sculptor Francis Alexander (also played by Jello Biafra). Francis wants to use her as a model for his "Sculpture of Love" project. He is the first man who regards her as a person instead of an object. While in the process of working together, Diva starts to have emotions for Francis, but she has no idea what they mean.
Half hour pilot
comedy series concept
Produced, written and directed by Ani Kyd Wolf
Co- produced by Toby Lindala
Camera by Athan Merrick
INTRO Edited by Mayne-Brand
Composer Stephen Hamm
opening song by Andrea Hector
Completed Sept 29, 2012
Adam and Charlie Flint are two young, hip, film maker, brothers who decide to make a docudrama web‐series about a real life private investigations company but the only company that will agree to be the victims of their constant amateur following and bad “in your face” shooting style is “The Investigation Mill” A struggling business of misfit, degenerate, somewhat professional private investigators. The P.I. Experiment is a hilarious dark comedy with witty endearing characters that captivate your attention like a bad car crash! Half hour demo pilot,
Staring: Ani Kyd, Graem Beddoes, Charlie Nesbitt, Daniel Arnold, C. Ernst Harth ,Mark J Gibbon, Jeffrey Kaiser, Heather Kyd ,Vicklyn Fleming, Alex Daikun ,Ken Lawson
Traveling food series concept reel
Concept by and directed by Ani Kyd Wolf
Produced by Ani Kyd Wolf and Amy Fox
Camera by Joe Klymkiw
Edited by Mauri Bernstein and Kevin B. Barron
Composer Stephen Hamm
RELEASED DATE - Sept 30, 2013 (Vimeo)
Docu-series concept
half hour pilot
Produced and concept by Rocco Di Popolo and Ani Kyd Directed by Ani Kyd
Director of Photography - Andy Hodgson Edited by Mayne Brand Sound - Oscar Vargas and Eugenio Battaglia Producer's assistant - Pepper Kay
Edited by Mayne-Brand
East Van Inkorporated is a show about the adventures and escapades of well-known East Vancouver entrepreneur Rocco Di Popolo’s day-to-day crazy life, his friendships, his drive, his business mind, and over-the-top personality. Rocco will tell you to fuck-right-off if he smells bullshit; but he does it in such a way that you can’t help but smile. A fully tattooed and charismatic businessman with a big taste of old school Italian. He is wonderfully entertaining with his intense and somewhat abrasive personality; inspiring and playfully insulting almost everyone he comes in contact with. People are drawn to Rocco like a magnet as he moves through all aspects of life. A successful entrepreneur with multiple businesses, a family man and an old school ex-gangster, Rocco now likes to give back and uplift people these days, instead of taking them down. Rocco has an identical twin. To this day, Rocco’s twin brother Damiano Di Popolo is a full, patch-wearing member of a notorious motorcycle club. Early in life it looked like the brothers were going down the same path. Rocco was a prospect for the same biker club; he loved motorcycling and the excitement of that world. But 15 years ago he decided to leave it all behind, and turned his life around.That of course has put some real separation between the twins. Two very different roads. Now Rocco shares his experience, strength and hope with youth, through Battleaxe Warriors; doing his best to give back to troubled street kids and letting them know that there is a better way. Even though Rocco is not a tattoo artist himself, he owns a tattoo shop. He’s the undisputed boss, and he barrels his way through the shop a few days a week to lively up the place, and deals with all aspects of the shop. He helps ex-gangsters get “coverups” over old gang tattoos. He’s a devoted family man with a beautiful wife and two incredible boys. He owns a gym and helps people get motivated to get healthy, even if it means yelling at them in a friendly but somewhat godfather-type way. He is serious about his businesses, he is serious about his family and friends, and very serious about living life and having fun. Rocco is larger than life. You can’t help but notice him. Everywhere he goes, he’s known by all; whether he’s walking up Commercial Drive like an East Van version of “King of Kensington” or fighting the City of Vancouver about the iconic East Van logo (which Rocco owns the rights to). This is Rocco’s world — and it sure is entertaining!
Copyright © 2022 Sugar Skull Films - All Rights Reserved.
Logo by Scott Beadle
Moving logos by RPMG Design
Photos of Ani Kyd Wolf by Joe Koonz III