Low budget film division
We have many interesting projects in development from series content to feature films of all genres.
Are you interested in becoming a Film Executive Producer?
Or maybe you have a love of film and want to be apart of creating it?
In 2024 we will be kicking off our Low budget film division.
The film itself is one way to generate revenue but it's far from the only way. We believe that each project has the potential to, at the very least, double the ROI when adding just one of these other forms of revenue streams.
We work with top quality crews, locations and gear in BC Canada while utilizing the extensive tax incentives and currency exchange rates offered there. We keep production costs low but we allow competitive rates for A-list actors in our budgets.
Working with top artists to create the perfect graphic novel. Each project will call for a different kind of artist to create the perfect look and feel.
As a BC based company, we have connections to many of the video game companies in Vancouver. Video games are a great revenue stream because millions of people worldwide identify as gamers.
An animated series of a feature film can be sold separately to networks.
A soundtrack with upcoming and established musicians released on a major label or independent record label with strong marketing and distribution can take on a life of its own. A great soundtrack will reach many people who wouldn’t normally be interested in the film but would love the music.
Our team has a far reach into all of these worlds: music, animation, video games and graphic novels. We are dedicated to bringing on the best people possible in these fields for each project.
The investor’s return on investment grows exponentially when combining all forms of revenue streams mentioned.
For more information please contact
Ani Kyd Wolf
Copyright © 2022 Sugar Skull Films - All Rights Reserved.
Logo by Scott Beadle
Moving logos by RPMG Design